ALL Curaleaf: 30% OFF
(B Noble, Grassroots, Find, Select, Herbology, Wana, Jams)
ᐅ Cresco 30% OFF
(Cresco, Floracal. Good News, High Supply, Kiva, Lost Farm, Mindy's, Remedi, Wonder Wellness)
ᐅ Ascend 30% OFF
(1906, AIRO, Edie Parker, Miss Grass, Ozone, Simply Herb, Tunnel Vision, Binske)
ᐅ 40% OFF select items
ᐅ 50% OFF select items
ᐅ 60% OFF select items
Does not stack. While supplies last.
ᐅ 1 for $30
ᐅ 2 for $50
Does not stack. While supplies last.
LeafWell: Medical Application
ᐅ 42% OFF Medical sign-up fee!
[ From $100 dollar sign up to $48.]
- Ask your budtender about signing up
Discounts do not stack; applies to original price.
*Discounts exclude Puffco, Puppies & Weed apparel,
Higher Stitch Cherry Vanilla/High Dose Jams
Other exclusions may apply
Monday Deals:
Does not stack with any other promotions or discounts.
Active Medical I.D required to qualify
Excludes Puffco, Puppies & Weed apparel,
Higher Stitch, & accessories.
ᐅ Betty's Eddies 2/$32
(Available Monday Only)
Timeless Tuesdays:
ᐅ30% OFF Timeless
Wednesday Specials: (Starting Wednesday - Valid thru Sunday)
ᐅ Mix & Match Gummies - JAMS, Wana, Slumber & X Bites:
3 for $45
4 for $55
5 for $65
ᐅ Wisdom Wednesday: 25% OFF Regular Price for Seniors
Does not stack with any other promotions or discounts.
Excludes Puffco, Puppies & Weed apparel,
Higher Stitch, & accessories.
Valid Wednesdays.
ᐅ Medical Patients receive 25% OFF
Does not stack with any other promotions or discounts.
Active Medical I.D required to qualify
Excludes Puffco, Puppies & Weed apparel,
Higher Stitch, & accessories.
Nature's Grace & Wellness
ᐅ Build your own 1/2 oz for $90
(select 3.5G strains only)
Timeless Fridays:
ᐅ 30% OFF Timeless
Expired promotions cannot be honored the next business day. Next day's sales can be viewed after 7:30pm Sundays and 9:30pm Monday-Saturday.
Accessories excluded from all promotions and discounts. Offers may not be combined with any other promotions or group discounts. Final discounts taken at register.
New to Curaleaf? Receive 50% off
one cannabis product!*
*Discount applied to regular-price and cannot
be stacked with other promotions or discounts.
Limit one time use for new customers in Illinois.
Not available for anonymous check-out.
See dispensary for details; applied in-store.
*All prices/totals are only estimated & subject to change at the register. We reserve the right to correct any errors*